Slipstream Circus Inc presents Tangent
Slipstream Circus Inc proudly presents Tangent!
Directed by international circus artist and Slipstream’s Artistic Development Programme Coordinator, Mieke Lizotte.
Daydream with us! Let’s bring back mind wandering and highlight the infinite capacity and ability of the brain to create and do extraordinary things… when given the chance.
Tangent is an intricately choreographed show, providing a platform for the wonderfully creative things our students can do. Through both literal and metaphorical illustrations, we explore how letting your mind wander can lead to incredible, creative, and sometimes nonsensical things.
Tangent is a whole-of-school production. Come along to see our fantastic younger students, through to our highly skilled older performance troupe students.
Tangent is presented with the assistance of the Tasmanian Government and is made possible by the Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia.