Van Diemen’s Band – Songs of the Sea
Oceans are vast, deep, and mysterious. They sustain us, swallow us whole and transport cultures over vast distances. Floating on the ocean’s turbulent swell are grand, lyrical narratives, stories, myth, and song.
Steering the audience through Songs of the Sea is Mikelangelo (Mikelangelo and The Black Sea Gentlemen) – a raconteur, salt-crusted storyteller, and bittersweet bard. In his deep baritone, Mikelangelo explores the heart’s stormy reaches and indulges in absurd overboard shanties.
Together with members of Van Diemen’s Fiddles and internationally renowned folk artists Luke Plumb and Dave McNamara on mandolin and accordion, Mikelangelo dives into his songbook of maritime folk music to evoke in song the salty smack of open water.