
Cradle Coast name – iconic, or what?

February 5, 2025 11:38 am in by

The majority of North-West Coasters would prefer the region to continue being marketed as the Cradle Coast, according to an on-line survey.

The survey has thrown up seven suggested names, including the current one, and also asked for other suggestions.

It says the North-West Coast needs an iconic tag, similar to the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast, asking if the current name resonates with locals and visitors alike.

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57 per cent of respondents want to see the Cradle Coast tag remain, with 11 per cent preferring it just simply be called the North-West Coast.

10 per cent have also backed the name Cradle Mountain Coast.

The majority of suggested named have attracted no votes, with the Wilderness Gateway the most favoured, with 6 per cent.

The region has been marketed as the Cradle Coast since the formation of the Cradle Coast Authority in 1999.
